Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Winner, Winner, Bacon Dinner!

As a Rockstar community garden,  I find my self showered with affection, praise, and the occasional extra ticket or two to the premier events in Chicagoland.   Sadly, like so many community gardens, I am also a plot of land and find it hard to pull myself away from all the important things going on, especially at this time of year as Spring springs.

Congratulations to Tammy Green over at Chicago Bites who sprung into action and donated at least $10 to me via SlowFood Chicago and the preSERVE garden team.  She was the winner of my two tickets to the 2011 Baconfest Chicago extravaganza this past Sunday.  It sounds like she had a great time, and I came away with money for an apple tree, a berry bush, or maybe a set of tools that volunteers will use to clean me up and get me ready for the season.  If you missed out on the tickets, you can still come help the preSERVE team - just follow this link.

Read all about Tammy's experience on her blog:

And kudos to everyone who brought cans of food to Baconfest Chicago to support the Greater Chicago Food Depsitory.  It sounds and looks like they took in quite a haul.   This was taken only about half way through the event.

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